England Football or is it ?

England Football or is it ?

Can we call it English Football any more ? I don’t mind international players in the Premiership in the slightest but do we have to kerb the amount at some time ? A study has shown that English footballers account for less than a third of all the minutes played in the Premier League.
This is the lowest figure of all other European countries. In my mind a sad state of affairs. We wonder why England struggle when we should be right up there with the best. The Premiership must offer the best training facilities and coaching in the world, but who is benefiting from it, it seems not the English. We seem to be picking the same old faces for the England team over and over again, is this the reason why? Great players in the Championship will sometimes miss out on their big chance as they do not play in the Premiership, the players in the lower leagues then miss out on Championship training facilities and so on.
I truly think the English FA has to take this problem seriously and sit down and get it sorted. Maybe even revert back to only being able to play a certain amount of Foreign players per team as we used to.
Well rant over and all that is left to say is
Come on ENGLAND !!!



About dickslexic

I have many interests including Football, Wildlife and Photography. I also love Music especially Rock orientated and loved the 1970's Punk movement and all the music and bands that spawned from it.
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1 Response to England Football or is it ?

  1. johng1962 says:

    Watched the first half, and England couldn’t beat Lutterworth Town!!!

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